MedSoft User Roles Guide

Make sure all of your users have the correct access levels.

MedSoft User Roles Guide

MedSoft offers six different user roles. As a Business Owner or Admin User, it's imperative for you to undertand the access levels of your employees.

Identifying the correct access level begins with determining what each user needs to view within the system. What functionality does your user need in order to perform his or her job efficiently? And, equally as important, what does that employee not need to view?

Employee users have basic system access. They can view Front Office reports, can add basic information to the system, and can submit Time Records and Time Off Requests.

Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) users have basic employee access. This user role, however, also generates a specific workflow in documentation that sends all Daily Notes to a selected Physical Therapist for approval. This role generates a co-signature on all Daily Notes completed by the PTA and approved by the Therapist.

Supervisor users have the same basic access as Employee users, with the addition of access to Admin and Financial reports. Supervisors also have access to Time Off Approvals, and they can view Tasks for any users that report to them in a User Group.

Data Analyst users have the same reports access as Supervisor, but cannot approve/deny Time Off Requests, and cannot view the Tasks of other employees. This role is designed for employees who may need additional reports access but who do not act in a supervisory role.

Billing users have basic employee access, but can view only Billing and Financial reports, rather than Front Office reports. This is an excellent role for an employee in a financial role.

Admin users have total access to all aspects and features of Simpatico. These are the only users who can access Employee Management (adding and removing employee access, viewing employee records, etc). Admin users are also the only users who can change User Group, Company, and System Configuration for the business. Lastly, only Admin user roles can modify the Charges that exist in MedSoft.

The User Roles Guide outlines these various roles with easy-to-read charts and access details. We recommend looking over this with any new hire to ensure they receive appropriate system access from day one.